
funny words on computer make robot go brrrr weeee

Welcome to the HKUST Robotics Team Software Tutorial!

Here is a brief overview of our schedule:

speed run 90% COMP 1021, 80% COMP 2011, 20% ELEC 1100, 70% ELEC 3300, 30% COMP 2211, 5% COMP 4421, ...

  • Tutorial 0: self-learning basic C

  • Tutorial 1: C and STM32 Development Environment Setup

  • Tutorial 2: Basic IO (GPIO and TFT)

  • Tutorial 3: Advanced IO (PWM and servo control)

  • Tutorial 4: UART

Advanced tutorials will be held later in the next phase and their dates are still TBD. There are also advanced notes for your own reading at the bottom. Feel free to reach out to any team members if you have any questions about anything related to the tutorials or the team in general.

Please also make sure to join our Discord server for more important announcements. (invite should be given to you through email/irl at tutorial 1)

Last updated