Standard Integer Types

#include <stdint.h>

Standard Integer Types

It is not convenient that int is sometimes 2 bytes and sometimes 4. It is more useful if we can control exactly how long int is, so we do not have to cater to different machine settings. With <stdint.h>, we have just that, more type definitions!

Short formFull nameMeaning


unsigned char

unsigned 8 bits integer


unsigned short

unsigned 16 bits integer


unsigned long

unsigned 32 bits integer


unsigned long long

unsigned 64 bits integer


signed char

signed 8 bits integer


signed short

signed 16 bits integer


signed long

signed 32 bits integer


signed long long

signed 64 bits integer

Both full name and short form work.

⚠️ Warning: Remember we said, we had to manage the memory by ourselves? Since C is low level, we get to have more choices regarding the memory of our variables. The reason we must not use int64_t for every integer we have, is because we have to manage the performance as well as memory use of our program, especially for micro-controllers, that have little computational resources.

Smaller variables are always faster and they consume less space than larger ones.


  • float and double should only be used when necessary as floating point calculation normally takes more time.

  • Our board has limited memory and processing power. So choose the most suitable data type to reduce memory usage.

Variable Declaration

int8_t a = 100;
uint8_t b = 200;
int16_t c = -500;
uint32_t d = 999999;
int64_t e = -9999999999;

If you are really a newbie in programming, I believe you won't understand the parts below. Don't worry, the parts below are not important.

Signs and Modifiers

Signed integers will use half of the distinct bit combinations for negative numbers and the other for positive. The ranges are as follows:

We can add the signed or unsigned modifiers to char and int to set the range the variable can hold. Read other modifiers on C Language.

For example, in order to store the integer 3,000,000,000 (3 billion), we need at least unsigned long or uint32_t. A signed int or long is not viable, as their maximum value is lower than 3 billion.

#include <stdint.h>

int main() {
    unsigned int var0 = 1; // 32-bit unisgned integer
     * stdint.h defines integer types with different data size.
     * For example: uint8_t, uint16_t, uint32_t and uint64_t.
    uint16_t var1 = 1; // 16-bit unsigned integer
    uint32_t var2 = 2; // 32-bit unisgned integer
    int8_t var3 = 3; // 8-bit signed integer
    return 0;

⚠️ Warning: Memory is very limited for some computers, such as embedded systems. It's a good practice that save memory as much as possible so that out-of-memory can be avoided. That's why we have uint8_t, uint16_t, etc.

Useful Tips

By including <stdint.h>, you obtain macros defined by the compiler that returns the limits of integer types. For instance, INT_MAX and INT_MIN are the maximum value and minimum value representable by the int type.

By including <float.h>, you obtain macros defined by the compiler that returns the limits of floating point types. For instance, FLT_MAX and -FLT_MAX are the maximum value and minimum value representable by the float type.

  • Macro: Code that will be replaced with the defined replacement before compilation. e.g. If a macro is defined as #define PI 3.14, then the macro PI can be used as deg = rad / PI * 180;, which will be translated to deg = rad / 3.14 * 180; before compilation.

  • The - in -FLT_MAX is not part of the macro, it is the unary minus operator, i.e. the negative sign.

To test for the bit size for different types on the machines, we can use the sizeof() operator. For example: sizeof(int) will tell us how big int really is on the machine that runs the program. You must include <stdlib.h> in order to use it.

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