Naming Conventions

Please follow some rules to name your variables

Naming Convention and Rules

There are several ways people name their variables, as illustrated in the names:

  • PascalCase

  • camelCase

  • snake_case


  • kebab-case (Cannot be used in C)

Depending on the organization or the project, you may be asked to use a certain naming convention. They are always used to differentiate between variables, functions, macros, and constants, but different people use different styles.

Secondly, in C and in many other languages, these are some points you must follow in naming a variable, otherwise, you may cause an error during compilation.

  • The name should begin with a letter or underscore.

    NOT to do this:

    int 520ilovetimwoo;
  • After the first character, you may include numbers.

    ✔️ This is acceptable:

    int ilovetimwoo520;
  • No reserved keywords. E.g. You can't use int or return as a name.

    NOT to do this:

    int int;
    float return;

Remember, names are case-sensitive.

Please assign meaningful names, do not name variables randomly. As your code becomes more complex, you will forget about what they are. It is also clearer to your peer developers if the names are clear. When you are naming a numerical variable, name it something descriptive, such as rpm, velocity, id, instead of abc, hi, or hhh, which no one would understand. When you are naming a boolean variable, name it a logical statement, like is_repeat, found_path, has_changed, etc.


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