Homework Demo Arrangements

Last year, 40+ students got full marks


For tutorials 0 and 1, you can do all your work on your computer and submit it to ZINC, an automatic grading system kindly provided by the CSE department.

Submission method: ZINC

Face to Face Demo

Starting from tutorial 2, your work will require the use of the mainboard, so to complete your homework you'll have to come to us to borrow one. Attached below is a Google Sheets link where you can see the availability of team members. You can come borrow a mainboard and work at the lab whenever there is at least one member present. After you're done with your homework, please show a team member and they'll grade it for you.

Please also make sure you read the Regulations page in the file.

Note: on weekdays between 1000-1800, you should go to the Dream Team Lab (the lab opposite of the Engineering Commons) to work, while at any other time you should go to the Hall 9 lab (close to the sea, 15 minutes walk from Atrium) instead.


Last updated