Introduction to Embedded System - STM32
Introduction to fundamental concepts and knowledge of STM, Interrupt, GPIO, and Timer.
Table of Content
Before Start
What is Embedded system?
An embedded system is a system in which the computer (generally a microcontroller or microprocessor) is included as an integral part of the system. For example, your phone, ATM, door ball, etc.
What is STM32?
STM stands for STMicroelectronics, a multinational corporation and technology company. It is famous by its microcontroller integrated circuits. In daily life, STM mainly stands for STM microcontroller unit series.
What is Microcontroller (MCU)?
An MCU is an intelligent semiconductor IC that consists of a processor unit, memory modules, communication interfaces, and peripherals. In short, a lower-level CPU.
We mainly use STM32 Series MCU for our embedded system development.
Here is the list of STM32 Series MCU:
The MPU naming logic of STM is similar to CPU.
Interrupt & Polling
What is polling?
Let’s try to understand the concept first. You have many things to do in your everyday life Consider your daily life as a while loop like this:
Here is a polling code example:
What is Interrupt?
You can consider interrupt is a procedure call. If you enabled the interrupt, the machine will go to do that procedure. That procedure is called Interrupt Service Routine (ISR).
Note that once you enabled the interrupt, you DON’T need to do polling. If you use both polling and interrupt for the same event, you have a major conceptual error
In STM32, there is a NVIC (Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller) to control up to 81 interrupts and with 16 level of priority.
How to enable interrupt?
In CubeIDE, before you generate the code, you need to enable the GPIO to be interrupt. Let say we use PA0 as an example:
1. Select GPIO_EXI0 in .ioc
GPIO mode -> External Interrupt Mode with Rising edge trigger detection
In NVIC, Enable the EXTI line0 interrupt.
In Code generation, EXTI line0 interrupt, check the box Call HAL handler. You can then generate your code.
Originally, the implementation of ISR are contained in the file
. Open the file and locate the following:
We can modify the code and replace the replac the orginal IRQHandler:
We have already taught what is GPIO before, however, we would like to go one step further to explain the difference between different GPIO ouput mode and why it is programmable.
Let's review the previous gpio notes: GPIO
Same as GPIO, we have taught PWM timer before, but we didn't explain the concept in detail.
What do CCR actually means?
Is combination of prescalar (PSC) and auto-reload (ARR) really a up-to-you combination?
When do we need +1 when calculating prescalar (PSC) and auto-reload (ARR)?
Let's review the previous PWM notes: PWM and Servo motor
Communication Protocol
Hartin's TODO
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